Contact Us

Deerfield Elementary School: 2 Deerfield Ave., Irvine, CA 92604

The building is located on Deerfield Ave. between Culver and Yale.

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

8 am to 3 pm

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Deerfield: Blue Ribbon School

Deerfield Elementary is a K-6 neighborhood school in the heart of Irvine, California. We are extremely proud to have been selected as an outstanding elementary school by the State Department of Education receiving the California Distinguished School Award in 2006 and most recently have been awarded the prestigious federal No Child Left Behind National Blue Ribbon Award in the fall of 2007. Serving students since 1976 when Irvine was still steeped in its agricultural past, Deerfield has evolved into a unique educational experience that successfully achieves a top-quality education while addressing the challenges and benefits of teaching a substantial number of recent-immigrant students.  Deerfield’s children hail from countries as varied as Korea, China, Vietnam, Russia, India, Iran, Mexico, and several African nations.  Gather all Deerfield families together in one place and you'll hear 29 different languages spoken. 

Our Mission is that Deerfield students will attain high levels of achievement within a safe school environment that is staffed by highly-qualified individuals.Our vision is to foster success through meeting the academic needs of students with regard to individual learning styles and instructional levels.  All students engage in a thinking, meaning-centered curriculum that is challenging, purposeful and promotes active student participation.  We focus on the California State content standards and enrich the curriculum through depth, complexity, and differentiation to ensure each student reaches his or her full potential.

Deerfield’s accomplishment of its mission is not confined to traditional “academic” subjects.  One particularly impressive example of Deerfield’s breath is the fine arts program in which classroom teachers and highly trained specialists in music and art provide students with the foundations for lifelong enjoyment, involvement, and leadership. Student artwork adorns the corridor walls, and the vibrant, high-circulation library and state-of-the-art computer lab are nestled smack dab in the school's center, incorporating both the past and the future in child education. The use of technology as an instructional tool permeates every aspect of the school. All students, K-6, enjoy our computer lab where, on a weekly basis, our media technician and classroom teacher work collaboratively to teach word processing, research, technology presentation, and problem solving skills.  Technology is used to deepen the curriculum and access information outside of class. Having computers connected to LCD projectors and Internet access in every classroom, teachers readily use these resources to enhance the curriculum, making it come alive for students.
